Earn Respect from Your Leading Coaches: The 3 Cs of Coaching

Coaching is a process that begins with you and your willingness to approach life with curiosity, compassion, and courage. It can be intimidating to train leaders, as it's easy to feel overwhelmed by their power and talent. However, there are three areas where you can gain the respect of your leading coaches and make them more dedicated to working with you. These three areas are credibility, trust, and challenge.


Credibility is the basis of any successful coaching relationship.

Your leading coaches need to know that you have the knowledge and experience to help them reach their objectives. To build credibility, you need to demonstrate your expertise in the field. This can be done by sharing your qualifications, certifications, and past successes. You should also be able to provide evidence of your ability to assist others in achieving their goals.


Trust is essential for any successful coaching relationship.

Your leading coaches need to know that they can depend on you to provide honest feedback and support. To build trust, you need to be consistent in your approach and follow through on your promises. You should also be open and honest about your own experiences and mistakes. This will help your leading coaches feel comfortable sharing their own experiences with you.


Challenge is an important part of any successful coaching relationship.

Your leading coaches need to know that you are willing to push them out of their comfort zone and help them reach their full potential. To challenge your leading coaches, you need to provide them with difficult tasks that will help them grow. You should also be willing to provide constructive feedback and challenge them when they are not performing up to their potential. By focusing on these three areas – credibility, trust, and challenge – you can earn the respect of your leading coaches and make them more committed to working with you.

Kristin Almazan
Kristin Almazan

Hipster-friendly music junkie. Lifelong twitter scholar. Proud food buff. Unapologetic music specialist. Twitter trailblazer.

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